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December 16: AIM Saturday Mass

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

Note this is Gaudete Sunday (not the actual 4th Saturday of the month) one of the year’s two Healing Masses. Please note the date December 16, 2023 The Mass will be celebrated...

January 27: AIM Telling Our Stories

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

"We will have our first session of "Telling Our Stories". Greg Campbell will be sharing his story with us. As mentioned in previous communications, TOS will be a space where we...

January 27: AIM 4th Saturday Mass

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

AIM hosts the 4th Saturday Mass where everyone can feel free to worship in a supportive environment. The AIM Monthly Mass will be at Our Lady Of Lourdes Church, 520...

February 24: AIM Gospel Reflection

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

Reading for the 2nd Sunday of Lent (Mark 9.2-10) Join us to learn about the background and context of the Sunday readings with Gordon Davies, D.Th., a biblical scholar and...

February 24: AIM 4th Saturday Mass

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

AIM hosts the 4th Saturday Mass where everyone can feel free to worship in a supportive environment. The AIM Monthly Mass will be at Our Lady Of Lourdes Church, 520...

March 9: AIM Lenten Retreat: Hope and Resilience

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

Fr Prakash Locale, OP, and Deacon Robert Kinghorn will lead our AIM Lenten retreat, Hope and Resilience: Ours were the sufferings he bore, ours the sorrows he carried, taken from Isaiah....

March 23: AIM Gospel Reflection

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

Reading for Palm Sunday of the Passion Mk 14:1 - 15:47 Join us to learn about the background and context of the Sunday readings with Gordon Davies, D.Th., a biblical...