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AIM 4th Saturday December Mass

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

AIM hosts a monthly Mass where everyone can feel free to worship in a supportive environment. The AIM Monthly Mass will be at Our Lady Of Lourdes Church, 520 Sherbourne St., Toronto, at 7:00 PM. This month due to the way Christmas falls, AIM 4th Saturday of the Month Mass will be on December 10th, Gaudete. The mass will also be a Healing Mass, one of two in the year.

*NOTE Mass date format changed for December. Mass is on December 10th, Gaudete at 7:00PM. There will be no mass on the 4th Saturday of this month as that is Christmas Eve. For Our Lady of Lourdes Christmas Mass schedule please consult the parish website.

Gospel Reflection December


Reading for Christmas Day John 1:1-18

Join us to learn about the background and context of the Sunday readings with Gordon Davies, D. Th., a biblical scholar and AIM member. With other LGBT+ people and our allies, discuss how the readings are important to you. All are welcome.

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Our Lady of Lourdes Parish 520 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON

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