José lives with his mother in Guatemala. It's a tough life in one of the most violent and religious countries. His life is his phone, crowded buses, work in the...
Reading for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, Mark 1.1-8 Join us to learn about the background and context of the Sunday readings with Gordon Davies, D.Th., a biblical scholar and...
This month we piggyback, we join, Our Lady of Lourdes Advent Film Series. Location: Library Hall, Our Lady of Lourdes 520 Sherbourne St M4Y 1M4 (enter from parking lot)
This month we piggyback, we join, Our Lady of Lourdes Advent Film Series. Location: Library Hall, Our Lady of Lourdes 520 Sherbourne St M4Y 1M4 (enter from parking lot)
Note this is Gaudete Sunday (not the actual 4th Saturday of the month) one of the year’s two Healing Masses. Please note the date December 16, 2023 The Mass will be celebrated...